
TVT Records
Supposedly, Cinematics singer Scott Rinning was discovered by the rest of the band two years ago busking on the streets for food, God bless him. Well, its better than selling the Big Issue, I suppose. I can just imagine him belting out Jeff Buckley covers behind the open guitar case full of loose crisps and half sandwiches.
Any beggar Ive ever offered food to usually throws it on the ground in front of me and stands on it before saying something like "That’s no gonnae get us a tenner bag, is it, ya prick?" before stealing my new Nike Air Dub Zeros off my feet.
Anyway, fast forward two years and a presumably well fed Rinning delivers dreamy vocals on this gorgeous slice of indie pop, released via the band’s new home at TVT Records (also, bizarrely, home to King of Crunk, Lil’ Jon). The track was on the soundtrack to the recent Transporter 2 movie and with the video playlisted on MTV2 it is fair to say that great things await this filmic foursome.
>> Paul Bamford