
>> Mentality
The heavily fly-posted Capturie step up with the audacity to deliver a cd and a dvd!!! The band’s ‘Mentality’ EP has the decency to, at least, rock heavily but the Lick’s postbag seems bursting with bands I’d have been dead set on ten years ago!
‘Dying Inside’ is the kind of morbidly fascinating riff-monkey that the Cathouse crowd would probably get tattoos to commemorate. The bass boosted melodrama of title track ‘Mentality’ is equally up to the job. In terms of planting some melody in a metal jacket the boys deserve to reap the rewards. And the fact they can play the (expletive) out of a riff is testament to their right to a record deal… or at least a Kerrang cover mount. Raaawwwkk!!
>> Russell Moore