
>> Summer '05 Ep
This is an interesting move. Allergo have included a lyric sheet with their ep… surely this means they have something to say and they’re making damn sure everyone knows what it is! Turns out, the reason is because they play extremely (EXTREMELY) heavy metal and the vocals are used as a weapon of mass destruction rather than for harmonic beauty. But to give it its due, this rocks like a boulder in a quarry.
Drawing on bands like Sikth, Send More Paramedics and Poison the Well they have ensured that all but the heaviest of hardcore rock fans is gonna understand anything about this music. And as I’m sure you’re aware – this makes it excellent! The lyric sheet is the greatest thing written since Moses’ nagging tablets and (given that the music was apparently recorded in someone’s living room) the tunes are solid.
It would take a braver man than I to venture out to watch this bunch live but I am convinced it would be a night to remember – the tinnitus becoming a gift that keeps on giving!
>> Russell Moore