
>> Demo
Oooft! Put this in yer Cd player and smoke it.
This three track ‘Demo’ puts all other ‘demos’ to shame as all three tracks could be singles in their own right. The Glasgow 3-piece play hard, fast and melodic rock with a We Are Scientists feel about them. Great pop melodies and smashing lyrics that also has that Scottish-ness about them that seems to be so popular at the moment.
The band have recently been down in Manchester supporting the Rakes and winning an XFM unsigned competition and are starting to put themselves on the map, and with these three songs it’s not hard to see why.
Easy Money – a jagged guitar riffed explosion about local promoters would be my pick of the bunch, and along with Lost In the Mess and Slow Motion it makes this one of the best debut releases I’ve heard this year.
They are the new thing that everybody’s talking about.
>> Joe Sach