Mars Patrol

Edinburger friends the Mars Patrol don't mess about with this lovely slice of pop/rock. Two tracks. Two hooky chorus. One up-beat foot-tapper, and one slow ballad. Boom. Dinnertime.
Opener Are You With Me? starts with a cracking guitar lick and pounding drums, and lead singer Davina Divine (a name fit for any rock n roller) has a strong voice in a genre when its so easy for a female vocal to get lost among the guitars. Lyrically its nothing groundbreaking, but a smashing tune none-the-less.
The line Crying Your Heart Out must have been used in a thousand songs, but still has a freshness about it in the second track. A strong chorus again is the catchy sing-a-long moment, and even if the verses seem to be waiting for the chorus to kick in, its another strong song that pisses all over Oasis' attempt to be sentimental with the same line.
Catch them live on the 31st of March at King Tuts, or if your really keen you can join one of their Japanese fan sites!
>> Joe Sach