Flying Matchstick Men

>> All Yr Secrets (Single)
>> One Records
YAS!! At last a lovely big slice of Scottish disco pop! As well as lead singer Graham 'Fucking' Pell insulting as many people as he can, the live experience of The Flying Matchstick Men will leave you with dancing blisters on your feet. But now, thanks to some fine knob-tweeking by mixer Mark Williams (of Test Icicles and Bloc Party fame) you can now get all of your campest friends round to bake cookies and have a dance to this 3 and a half minute pop gem. Great lyrics, clever guitar work, pounding drums and an infectious riff make this a tune that you won't be able to get out of your head.
As a UK tour starts this month, you should be slapped for not checking this band out live. I'm warning you!!
>> Joe Sach