Eoghan Colgan

>> That First Time
This is like some freaky déjà vu situation; I have unwittingly seen this band live! In fact, back in March I described Eoghan Colgan as the Robbie Williams of the pipe-smoke folk circuit – and lo! here be the man’s ep lolling from my speakers. So, do first impressions really last; or can I bring myself to change my stubborn mind?
Well it’s a bit of both to be honest. The man still sounds like Mr Williams’ slightly less convincing little brother, but in terms of neatly crafted songs he’s made a bit of headway. This was never going to be my favourite cd, but, in an oddly charming David Gray kinda way EC has done alright. ‘All I Need’ is quite good and ‘Sunny Days’ has a nice nursery rhyme tint to it but in general the songs just lack the edge that could propel them into my memory: with the exception of the truly terrible ‘Planetary Woman’ that is. The thick layer of cheese that coats this song will probably stick in my mind for years to come. And the chorus is just aching to get its arse kicked.
‘I can’t do this anymore’ is just ‘Knocking On Heaven’s Door’ with Eoghan shouting over the top. Not fun. But when it comes down to it there should be more to song writing than the craft – and shouting doesn’t make up for passion. If you’re looking for a dinner party comedown album then this will probably do the job; if you’re looking for something that is in any way interesting or challenging then I’d give it a miss.
>> Russell Moore